Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

I am very excited about this movie and can't wait for it to come out! It's gonna be good. Here is a link to the trailer.

Where the Wild Things Are

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Movies

Here are some movies that Patrick and I recently watched. We watched them over a month or so ago so they had some time to sink in. These are the new additions to the lists and movies that tried to get on but just didn't cut it.

Fiddler on the Roof

List: Musicals
Number: 6
The movie was added to this list because of the amazing performance by Topol. Another pushing factor was how thought provoking the story was.

Star Trek
List: Action
Number: Didn't make it

List: Sci-Fi
Number: 10
This was a tough one because being Star Trek you want to push it up there but it's a prequel. The story was already there they just added some details the characters were already there they just added some youth. It is a good movie and should be seen.
We also didn't think that Brazil was much of a Sci-Fi so that got bumped off pretty easily.

The Hangover
List: Comedy
Number: Didn't make it
It was up against Tommy Boy and just couldn't compete.

When Harry Met Sally
List: Romance
Number: 6
A great romantic movie with terrific actors. Meg Ryan is adorable and a must in a love movie. Billy Crystal is hilarious as always. These two work so well together and are great to watch.

The Bourne Identity
List: Action
Number: 7
An original plot with your classic chase and fight scenes with a little mystery added in there. It kept you on the edge of your seat.

Father of the Bride
List: Comedy
Number: Didn't make it
Tommy Boy strikes again. But we still love Steve Martin, don't worry.

List: Classics
Number: 4
This list ooriginally only had 3 on the list and fell in at the end behind It's a Wonderful Life.

List: Romance
Number: 7
It is a different kind of love story that you don't hear told often. Audrey Hepburn is the original Meg Ryan and with Humphrey Bogart it is a great match.

Casino Royal

List: Action
Number: Didn't make it.
It was a prequel that wasn't a prequel. It also didn't actually have that much action other than the chase scene in the beginning which was pretty sweet.

Batman: The Movie (original)
List: Comedy
Number: Didn't make it.
I don't think that this was actually suppsed to be as funny as it was. It was so bad it was hilarious - but that kind of comedy just won't cut it for us.

Jurassic Park
Current Position: #2 on Sci-Fi
What a fantastic movie. It stays where it should below Star Wars and above Planet of the Apes.

Old School
List: Comedy
Number: Didn't make it.
This is our hardest category to get into.

Funny People

Funny People
Directed by: Judd Apatow
Starring: Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen & Leslie Mann

The movie wasn't what I expected, but that's okay. Rogen was my favorite in the movie. It was more serious than his other roles and he was great. Somehow the movie got more serious and funnier as it went on - which was a long time. The movie was almost 3 hours long which got to be a little much. Speaking of little much - there was way too much swearing in it. I'm alright with swearing but it got to the point where I thought they were trying to fit 100 swear words into the movie. It was a pretty good film - but I would probably wait until it comes out on video to see it.


Directed by:
Starring: Steve Martin & Daryl Hannah

Steve Martin always enjoyed the story of "Cyrano de Bergerac" and decided that he needed to make a movie and star in it. Its a good light-hearted romantic comedy. Martin is quite amusing in it and fun to watch. Just make sure you don't say anything about his nose! A good movie if you love Steve Martin.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Minority Report

Minority Report
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Starring: Tom Cruise

Sunday night Patrick and I watch the Minority Report which both of us forgot how amazing of a movie it is! It's one of those movies that you forget how everything comes together so every time you watch is like watching again for the first time. I had also forgotten how many little silly things were added in there. Stuff like Tom Cruise is on some guy jet pack, they break into a house, zoom over some burgers and cook them for the family. I can't decide if I like that or not.

The woman who plays Agatha (a pre-cog) is amazing I think. She is able to do some amazing acting without it seeming crazy. Tom Cruise is good in this movie too. He does a good job in movies that are action with a bit of mystery thrown in there.

One of my favorite parts about the movie is the music. I was able to pick right up on the John Williams touch. I just love his sound and how you can pick him out of a line of movies.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Jerk

The Jerk
Directed by: Carl Reiner
Starring: Steve Martin

Navin Johnson was born a poor black child. He is an idiot that was adopted by a black family in Mississippi. At his 18th birthday Navin discovers that he wants more out of life after hearing oldies on the radio. Navin goes from job to job and meets a lot of new people. Among those people are a few lovers and a man eager to take Navin's invention to the next level.

Steve Martin is the best solo comedy act there is out there. His timing and character development is what makes this movie absolutely hilarious. You won't be able to stop laughing at every situation Navin finds himself in. You won't see the banjo in this movie but you will see some ukelele.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Odd Couple

The Odd Couple
Directed by: Gene Saks
Starring: Jack Lemmon & Walter Matthau

Felix Ungar (Lemmon) is going through a divorce with his wife. Felix's good friend Oscar Madison (Matthau) takes him into his home because Felix has no where else to go. Things start out great but tensions rise as we discover just how much of a neat freak Felix is and just how messy Oscar is.

This is a great story based on the play by Neil Simon. It is your classic story of opposites coliding. This however is one of the first movies to play with this plot and to pull it off with such class. This is also the first time we get to see Lemmon and Matthau together on the screen. These two work so well with each other and are by far the best comedy due. Its a classic comedy that everyone both young and old should have to see.


Directed by: Harold Ramis
Starring: Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Michael O'Keefe, & Bill Murray

Danny Noonan (O'Keefe) is a caddy at a golf course where all the members are rich and the employees are poor. Danny befriends Ty Webb (Chase) and tries to get an in with Judge Smails (Knight) so he can get a college scholarship. Meanwhile Al Czervik (Dangerfield) is interested in buying the Club from Smails. In the background you have Carl Spackler (Murray), the grounds keeper, who is having a bit of a gopher problem. All of these problems keep building until one fantastic final scene.

If the cast wasn't enough to make you want to see the movie the idea of a dancing gopher should. Caddyshack is a great sports movie with a comedic twist. Almost every charachter in this movie clashes and creates such high and hilarious tension you know something big is just about to happen. Your sides will split when you see what Dangerfield does to Knight and what the gopher does to Murray.

Young Frankenstein

Young Frankenstein
Directed by: Mel Brooks
Starring: Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman, Cloris Leachman, Teri Garr, & Madeline Kahn

Frederick Frankenstein (Wilder) is a young neurosurgeon and grandson of the infamous Victor von Frankenstein. Frederick in herits his grandfather's castle and there finds a hunchback named Igor (Feldman), and beautiful lab assistant named Inga (Garr), and an old housekeeper named Frau Blucher (Leachman). At first Frederick beleive that his grandfather's work was rubish, but upon finding an old workbook begins to beleive that this could actually work. After a mix-up with the brains, he acciddentally creates a horrible monster (Boyle) who is completely out of control. The situation only gets worse when Frederick's fiance (Kahn) shows up at the castle.

Young Frankenstein was entirely shot in black & white giving it a classic monster film feeling. Gene Wilder goes wildly over the top in this Mel Brooks film - don't worry, he makes a cameo. Each character is different from the other and almost as over the top as Wilder. Boyle plays the monster extremely well - even when all he does is grunt and groan. It is as hilarious as most other Brooks films but this one is very different from any of the others. That along with the acting makes this movie just what the doctor ordered.

Spinal Tap

This is Spinal Tap
Directed by: Rob Reiner
Starring: Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Harry Shearer, and Rob Reiner

A fan and film-maker, Marti DeBergi (Reiner), decides to follow the British rock band Spinal Tap through their America comeback tour. The resulting documentary gives us a glimpse into the rock and roll lifestyle. We get insight into the profound lyrics and the innerworkings of the group.

This movie is the greatest rock and roll mockumentary ever created. The satire provides behind-the-scene glimpses and a look into the greatest fake band ever to take the stage. From the 18-inch stonehenge to the amp turned up to 11, you won't be able to stop laughing at any of the situations the band gets into. If you like '80s roack and roll you will love all the references to the lifestyle.